Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wild Time at Wilder Ranch

We had a fun Mountain Bike Ride at Wilder Ranch on 070513.  

Here is a photo of us at Wilder Ranch with views of Santa Cruz below. Click on the photos to enlarge.

Andreas and Juliette from Wilder Ranch.

The single track was intermediate, which equals a roller coaster type ride. Listen for Andreas' "Whoa" in this video from Andreas' helmet camera. 

Here is a map of our route and the elevation profile. We went 22.6 km (14 miles)  with an ascent of 327 meters (1073 feet) and a descent of 325 meters (1066 feet). 

Here is a map of our mountain bike route.

Here is our elevation profile for the mountain bike ride.

The beaches on the Ohlone Bluff trail were impressive and reminded us of Hawaii (except for the cold unrelenting wind).

Secluded Beach along Ohlone Bluff Trail (Juliette and Andreas). 

Another Beach.  

Andreas on the Ohlone Bluff Trail. 
We give Wilder Ranch a thumbs up!