Sunday, August 21, 2011

Prairie Creek Redwood Bike Ride

Our first tour of Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park was an adventurous 19 mile mountain bike ride.  Here is a photo of us before the ride (nice and clean).  Our first impression of the park was wow! Look at those large trees and everything is covered in moss (including pay phones).   This place must get a lot of rain.

After a thrilling ride straight down Ossagon Trail to the beach we discovered that the Coastal Trail is covered with beautiful purple flowers.

We also discovered that sand in bike tires = flat tires.  Luckily, Andreas was prepared and he fixed Juliette's bike on the fly.

The Coastal Trail was listed as an "Easy" bike ride...This listing is slightly out of date.  The trail was in disrepair in some portions.  Here we had to lift the bikes up 6 feet over a eroded section of the trail.

 Elk aren't supposed to come out during the day, but this one was eating early in order to get the Senior discount.

Unlike the Bay Area we found the trail quite deserted and we had this waterfall to ourselves.

Fern Canyon, on the other hand, was over run with people.  It really does look like Jurassic Park.

Covered in mud and very glad to have warm showers at our campground.

Those very large Redwood Trees interfered with our GPS tracking of the bike ride, but here is what we were able to map.


  1. Hi there,

    wow did you do all those activities in 1 single day!!! Can't wait to read about the newest adventures.

  2. Great photos- all looks fun. Thanks for sharing.
