Saturday, July 5, 2014

Foodie Adventure in Germany

According to How to be German the #2 rule is Eat a Long Breakfast.  We were treated to many amazing long breakfasts while in Germany. Here is an example of a big and long breakfast at Andreas' brother's house.  The meal included: juice, fresh coffee, fresh pretzels and rolls picked up that morning, Nutella, three types of honey, local strawberries, pickles, Austrian pastry, salami, cold cuts, selection of hard and soft cheese, lactose free cheese spread,  butter, and salami.  A real feast!

Slicing pickles or strawberries into little pieces and then distributing them on rolls or bread appears to be preferred way to eat these.  Andreas is demonstrating the way to eat pickles during a long breakfast (below).

We liked the bio (Organic) smile design on some items.

Above: In Kastelruth, Italy (near the Dolomites) we were able to order fresh pretzels, rolls, and best of all Laugengipfel (Croissant Pretzel hybrid) for breakfast shown in the photo above next to the pickle.

Above: Another breakfast treat for Andreas was Griebenschmalz (shown in the photo above below the flax seed roll) which is basically lard served for breakfast.

Above: We were surprised to come across an Amorino Gelato place in Innsbruck, Austria.  Our friend introduced us to this gelato place when we were in Paris, France.  Very excited to have some of their delicious gelato.

Above: Another surprise was very tasty lactose and gluten free Ritter Sport chocolate.  Maybe this will make it to the US someday?

Above: At Aldis (Trader Joes equivalent) they have self serve machines for getting fresh bread and rolls. They even had a soccer ball shaped roll for the World Cup!

Above: Andreas enjoyed drinking lots and lots of Apfelschorle  (Apple juice with mineral water located above behind the mineral water), which is also rule # 9 in How to be German. Juliette enjoyed the local Dolomites mineral water when we were in Kastelruth.

 Above: Examples of dinner items Andreas enjoyed are Speckknödelsuppe (bacon dumpling soup)  and Roast potato and beef with cabbage salad.

Above: Andreas' nephew made us a fresh and delicous dessert of Topfenknödel.

Bon appetit!

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