Friday, August 26, 2011

Flowers, Falls, and Fantastic Views

We started out the day at Castle Crest Trail which is a spring-fed wildflower garden. It had an amazing assortment of beautiful flowers, or as Andreas put it "this looks like Germany in the Spring."

 We also stopped by Plaikni Falls which is a pretty and easily accessible waterfall.
Our boat tour was canceled for the day due to thunder storms.  We saw so many bikes riding the rim we decided to give it a try.  We had a fun bike ride from Rim Village to Watchman Overlook.
We then hiked up to Watchman Peak.  We had to trek through some snow on this trail. Snow in late August?
The views at Watchman Peak were fantastic.  Here is the elevation profile for our hike up and down Watchman Peak.

However, we only were on the peak for a short time because a ranger told us that a big lightening storm was on the way.  We quickly took this shot from the peak and then headed down.

 And no sooner had we gotten down were we hit with a hail storm. 
Andreas hoped that the hail storm would also mean that we would see a rainbow.  We were delighted to see a double rainbow after returning to Rim Village.  What a way to end the day!

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